Tegoroczne wyniki Legal 500 dają nam sporo powodów do radości. Otrzymaliśmy dwa wyróżnienia i rekomendację, o których więcej piszemy poniżej:
? Pierwsze z nich (Tier 3) wędruje do zespołu Restructuring And Insolvency, którą prowadzi dr Patryk Filipiak ?
? “Filipiak Babicz Legal sp. k. is skilled at handling a range of complex restructuring and insolvency mandates, including corporate restructurings, cross-border insolvency proceedings, and personal liability proceedings of managers for failure to file a bankruptcy petition. Its client base is similarly broad ranging, and includes debtors, creditors, trustees, and administrators. Qualified restructuring advisor Patryk Filipiak is head of the team, and he is ably supported by Anna Michalska, who has expertise in a range of bankruptcy and restructuring processes”.
? Kolejne (Tier 4) otrzymał zespół White Collar Crime prowadzony przez Michał Babicz:
? “Filipiak Babicz Legal sp. k.‘s white-collar crime practice is involved in a range of legal proceedings, including anti-money laundering and corruption cases. The team has specific expertise in stock market crime. Founding partner Michał Babicz heads up the practice and is a key name for his expertise in the regulations of financial market crimes, securities trading, anti-money laundering and cybercrime”.
? Last but not least! To rekomendacja (Firms To Watch) dla Zespołu Capital Markets, którą kieruje Rafał Wojciechowski:
? “Rafał Wojciechowski leads the capital markets group at Filipiak Babicz Legal sp. k.; the department was established in October 2022 and has a focus on regulatory mandates, as well as providing clients with representation in investigations and criminal proceedings”.
Gratulujemy Działom: Restrukturyzacji i Upadłości, Prawa Karnego i Prawa Rynku Kapitałowego, a Wam – drodzy Klienci – dziękujemy za zaufanie.